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Epi2-Umar (R.A) Series | Islam Begins | DramaHub4271

Umar (R.A) Series Episode2 in Urdu/Hindi Dubbing & English subtitles | DramaHub4271:

Epi1-Umar (R.A) Series | Islam Begins
  Umar ibn al Khattab (584 AD - 644 AD) has been a powerful Khalifa of the date. You are one of the closest Sahabas of Rasool Allah. On 23 August 634, you became the second Khulafa-e-Rashidun after Hazrat Abu Bakr (Razi Anha) (632-634). He was given the title of Al Farooq for his knowledge of Muslim law and for his clean justice. Islam advanced very rapidly in the Khilafat of Umar (Razi Anha).

Epi2-Umar (R.A) Series | Islam Begins | DramaHub4271

 Islam was dominated by countries such as Rome and Persia. According to Jewish masculinity, Umar (Razi Anha) removed the bondage imposed on the Jews by the Christians and allowed them to worship in Jerusalem. Umar (Razi Anha) was in the hands (644 AD) of a Jewish man Abu Lulu when he was in prayer.
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  It is a historical series, based on the best companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Umar ibn al-Khattab (PBUH), the second caliph of the Islamic State. The series of 30 episodes shows various events during the life of Umar ibn al-Khattab (PBUH) from his pre-Islamic days to his assassination. The series relies solely on established therefore criticism in terms of its content was not encountered as previous films on similar themes did. The series begins with 23 years of Hijra in Mecca, where Muslim society has come together for Hajj. Among them, we can see Umar ibn al Khattab (PBUH) praying to Allah while he was doing tawaf around the Kaaba. On the return journey from Mecca to Medina, they pass through a group of people living in their camels in the desert. Umar (PBUH) reminds him of his past days, when he took his father al-Khattab's camels to the desert, and how his father worked to exhaustion. However, now how life has changed for him after embracing Islam, no one stands between him and his Allah. The series then takes you to a historical turning point where Omar (PBUH) remembers the various events that took place during his lifetime.
  The elder boy of Utbah ibn Rabiyah i.e. Abu Hudaifah ibn Utbah ibn Rabiyah, freed his slave Salem and accepted it as his son, and announced it openly so that your father was not at all happy. They went against Pakistan and started inventing new ways to discredit them. Look forward.
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  Shadil atrocities were being perpetrated on Bilal ibn Rabah, their owner Ummayyah bin Khalaf had thought that he would take his life, but at the last time, Abu Bakr Razi Anha came and bought you from Ummayyah bin Khalf and got it free. Bilal ibn Rabah was later conferred the first Mu'azin of Islam by Muhammad (PBUH). You were one of the closest Sahaba of Muhammad, and the persecution of Abu Al-Hakam (Abu Jahl) was continuing at his house.
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  Abu Al-Hakam (Abu Jahl) lost himself when he saw Nabi-e-Karim (PBUH) for the Kaaba and when you got the news of this fact, when your uncle Abu Hamza got the news, you taught Abu Al-Hakam (Abu Jahl) a good lesson there. Omar bin Khattab got the impression that whatever is wrong with the Quraysh, only Muhammad is responsible for them. That is why he left the house with the intention of killing you.
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During the Majlis in Darun Nadwa, Abu al-Hakam (Abu Jahl) told the people that we have to try some other way so that Najashi, the Emperor of Habsha himself, can send the idioms to us. For this, he chose Amr bin Al Aas, who specializes in his smartest munadra. On the other hand, all the people in Habsha united and said that Jafar bin Abu Talib would look forward in front of his beauty.

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